Dhaka March 17 2025 :
On March 16, 2025, the Government of Japan extended a grant of USD 135,237, which is approximately BDT 16.3 million, to 2 Bangladeshi NGOs, MedGlobal Inc. and Training Assistance & Rural Advancement Non-Government Organization (TARANGO).
SAIDA Shinichi, Ambassador of Japan to Bangladesh, signed the ‘Grant Contracts’ for Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP) at the Embassy of Japan with the respective organizations.
MedGlobal Inc. has been awarded USD 57,835 as a grant for The Project for the Improvement of the Facility and Medical Equipment at the Primary Healthcare Center, Rohingya Camp 24. MedGlobal Inc. provides emergency response and health programs to build resilience among vulnerable communities worldwide. With the assistance of the GGHSP funding, MedGlobal Inc. will procure and install 1 Autoclave Machine (high-pressure steam sterilizer), 1 Generator, 1 Digital Ultrasonic Diagnostic Imaging System, 2 BP Machines, and 1 Oxygen Cylinder at the Primary Healthcare Center (PHC), and construct Boundary Fence, Patient Waiting Shed, and a roof for the Patient Waiting Space to provide high-quality medical services in Rohingya Camp 24, Cox’s Bazar District, thereby improving the local medical environment and Rohingya refugees’ and host communities’ health.
Training Assistance & Rural Advancement Non-Government Organization (TARANGO) has been awarded USD 77,402 as a grant for The Project for the Construction of a Community Skills Development Center in Agailjhara Upazila, Barishal District. TARANGO is contributing to the promotion of women’s economic empowerment through programs in handicrafts, women’s entrepreneurship development, savings and microfinance, etc. With the assistance of the GGHSP funding, TARANGO will construct a 2-story Community Skills Development Center and procure and install 7 sewing machines for vocational training, to improve social services for low-income people, mainly women, and quality of life of residents.
Japan has supported 220 NGO projects through GGHSP since 1989 with the view to enhancing economic and social human security in the grass-roots levels. The total sum of these GGHSP grants extended to approximately USD 17.5 million.