Home Development Yunus’s Three Zeros World: Prospects for a world free from exploitation, pollution

Yunus’s Three Zeros World: Prospects for a world free from exploitation, pollution


DHAKA, Mar 12, 2025, (BSS) –

The idea of making the world free from poverty, unemployment and pollution at a time may seem like an elusive dream to many.

But Nobel Peace Prize-winning economist Dr. Muhammad Yunus has shown a dream of building a new world by solving these three problems.

He outlined before the world how to solve existing problems beautifully and easily by bypassing negative thoughts.

Dr Yunus presented the outline of future world in his book ‘A World of Three Zeros’ published in 2017. The book was recently translated into Bengali by three young people – Irfan Sheikh, Tahsin Qayyum and Rakib Hossain Mridul. It has been published by Yunus Center.

In the book, the author talks about a world without exploitation and pollution, with real examples.

Referring to the limitations and failures of the capitalist system, he said that the excessively profit-oriented economic system needs to be reformed. It has created inequality in society and failed to solve global problems. In this case, as the author talks about solving economic problems, he also emphasizes on protecting the environment.

According to the author, the disparity between the rich and the poor is as wide as elephants and ants. If we want to get rid of this situation, we need to replace selfishness with selflessness, social business with profit-oriented business, use the energy of youth to solve unemployment, microfinance instead of high interest, and adopt environment-friendly factories and green technology. This will make it possible to deal with economic inequality, environmental pollution, and the negative effects of climate change.

The Three Zeros theory has caught the attention of the reader in the book ‘The World of Three Zeros’. In it, the author shows the way to implement three zeros in the world. These are:

Zero Poverty

To eliminate poverty, we need to change the structure of our economic system. Rather than concentrating capital, it needs to reach the underprivileged people of the society. The author shows that the poor need the most credit, yet the rich get more credit facilities and default on their loans. On the other hand, the repayment rate of poor customers who take collateral-free loans from Grameen Bank is 99 percent.

According to the author, the poor did not create poverty, but the current discriminatory economic system has created it. This system needs to be changed by ensuring social business, microfinance, women’s empowerment, education and skill development, and the use of technology. Dr. Yunus said, ‘Poverty has no place in a civilized society; poverty should only be in museums.’

Zero Unemployment

The author believes that unemployment is not a personal problem of people, but rather a result of the flaws in the existing economic structure. Since the current economic system is profit-oriented, it is unable to ensure employment for everyone.

He mentioned that a large section of the youth is today a victim of unemployment, which is pushing them towards despair. However, if the proper use of technology and economic power is ensured, unemployment can be eliminated. The expansion of social businesses, reform of the education system, making the youth self-reliant, proper use of technology and changes in personal attitudes can bring a solution to this problem.

Zero average carbon emissions

Zero average carbon emissions means a system where the amount of carbon emitted into the environment is absorbed or compensated, resulting in zero total emissions. Dr. Yunus believes that a sustainable and environmentally friendly economic system must be created to prevent the negative effects of climate change.

The current economic system is destroying the environment for more profits, which is causing climate change, global warming and natural disasters. The author believes that to get rid of this, the expansion of renewable energy and green technology, responsibility towards social businesses and the environment, tree plantation and forest conservation, development of sustainable agricultural methods and transportation systems, use of advanced technology and creation of consumer awareness are necessary.

Three Zeros Theory: A Realistic Path

According to Dr. Yunus, the three goals of zero poverty, zero unemployment and zero carbon emissions are complementary to each other. He said, “It is possible to eliminate poverty and unemployment even by reducing net carbon emissions to zero. We must try to achieve these three goals together.”

Economic development can never be sustainable by destroying the environment. Rather, a balanced system must be developed, where humanity, fairness and sustainable development are ensured. Dr. Yunus’s three zeros theory opens up a promising future horizon before us.

The author believes that it is possible to change lifestyles by applying the three zeros theory. For the protection of the environment and social development, it should be adopted spontaneously by the youth, not forced upon them. According to Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus, a ‘Three Zero Person’ is a person who does not emit carbon (‘zero carbon’), does not own wealth, rather has wealth based on social business (zero poor) and eliminates unemployment by becoming an entrepreneur instead of working (zero unemployment). It is possible to build a worry-free, livable world by reducing poverty, unemployment and carbon emissions to zero. 

‘Professor Yunus and the Three Zeros’ was discussed in a presentation at National Central University in Taiwan in December 2018 by Dr. M Jahangir Alam Chowdhury, Professor of Finance, University of Dhaka and current Treasurer of the university. There, he said that if we embrace social business and restructure the current capitalist system, the world can achieve zero poverty and zero unemployment. And change will not come from the government or corporate institutions alone. This requires the active participation of individuals, young communities and locals.

Meanwhile, the idea of three zeros is feasible and beneficial for everyone, said Dhaka University Vice Chancellor and Development Researcher Professor Dr. Niaz Ahmed Khan. He said, it is both philosophical and practical. Although it seems ambitious, it is feasible. The biggest quality of this theory is that it can unite everyone.

By Al Saadi Bhuiyan, BSS


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